On Monday Facebook will add a feature to its messenger to allow users to share their location. This update for ramping up competition offers by inc's Google maps and Apple Inc.

As people talk to family and friend,so the company 'Facebook' has found that one of the most used phrased on messenger.head of the messenger said in an interview."it happens to be people are interested in the most,he said.but it will also be live, so that you can shares information with a friend, up to 60 min you will be able to watch the user's location.messenger was part of the Facebook smartphone app,but in 2014 the company Brock it out as  a separate app.

A similar feature adding by Google maps said last attempt to boost of increasing strategic important to the company.the "CHUDNOVSKY" said  that we were working on the right thing....

Facebook testing some of its changes in Mexico.he added they think in October it was ready.for the phones battery life is a big problem so the company worked on it for five more months to minimize the impact on the battery life of the phone.
